Future Nurse Blog

Your quick guide for applying to Nursing Assistant Positions. 

Nursing assistant or nursing aide positions can be great to develop practical experience and prepare you for your future work as a Registered Nurse. It can be difficult juggling work and full time study, but these roles help build your confidence as well as your professional network. 

Here are some application/interview tips:

Understand your scope of practice. Nursing assistants/aides are limited in their scope of practice as they are not Registered Nurses. Ensure you show the hiring manager that you understand this when answering scenario based interview questions and that you prioritise patient safety. If in doubt, ask for help and refer to the RN or team leader.

Practise answering scenario based interview questions. What would you do if your patient had a fall? How would you approach a confused patient? Your patient has a blood pressure of 92/60, what are your next steps? Ensure you are prepared for such questions by doing research, revising your university notes, and or reading hospital policy. 

Check out the employer’s website. Impress your potential employer by referring to their core values or mission in your application or inteview. This shows that you are prepared, interested, and made an effort to research them. 

Ensure it’s a flexible or casual position. There will be times when you’re on clincal placements or you have exams, so it’s important that the hiring manager knows this. Casual positions are great as you can opt-in for shifts when you are available.

We hope these tips helped. 


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