Self care is a foundational aspect of your nursing journey. Isn’t is ironic that as nurses we can feel unable to take care of ourselves despite being in a caring profesion. You have probably heard of and seen challenging workloads and nurses’ feeling consistently stressed and overwhelmed. But don’t let that scare you as there are ways to equip yourself to better manage stress, which is an inevitable part of life.
Sleep, Diet, and Exercise: I can hear the sighs already 🙂 But we cannot stress enough the importance of early nights, nutritious meals, and movement for your mood, concentration, and much more. Quick fixes including large amounts of caffeine only add to burnout and fatigue. Getting into the habit of developing a sustainable routine will prepare you to better manage the demands at school and at work.
Quality time with family and friends: As social creatures we crave and are energised by social connection. Although, it may feel like you lack the time, it is important to have regular catch ups with your loved ones. It need not be hours on end but ensure that you are present and attentive with them. Such interactions grant you a sense of perspective as you hear and share the experiences of others. In contrast, social disconnection and alienation contribute to stress and burnout.
Maintain your hobbies and interests: These could include reading, watching films, going on walks, or playing a muscial instrument. Finding time to do things you enjoy outside of school or work can boost your energy and mood and ultimately acts as a reminder that your life and identity are more than your exams or job title.